Contact Recovery House 54 Sober Living 7 Days a Week!


We’re Here for You 7 Days a Week!

We realize that to some people, picking up the phone and taking that first step can be a really tough thing to do…we know it all too well because we’ve all been in your shoes! Whether you are the loved one of an addict/alcoholic or the actual person in need of help, we’ve all been in your shoes. And if you’re the person in need of help, taking that first step into the recovery process can seem like an enormous leap of faith, regardless of how much pain you may currently be in. Take a deep breath and try to smile because your life is about to dramatically improve!

Whether you are in need of sober living housing or possibly a higher level of care, our experienced staff is available for you 7 days a week by calling (833) 547-6237 or by direct email at [email protected]. We also offer a quick and confidential information submission for at the very bottom of this page.

We look forward to speaking with you…


Whether you are in need of effective sober living & addiction recovery housing, or maybe a higher level of care through our network of providers that includes outpatient drug and alcohol treatment, private therapy and even medication management for co-occurring mental health issues, we have the resources and expertise to help guide you from the very beginning through all phases of treatment and sobriety...

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